Surprisingly, many people claim that a business plan has no value & is just a waste of time - they tap their heads knowingly saying that it's all in there.
Well this notification can be dismissed as being without any logical basis as every single activity, from the day to day ... Weiterlesen
Tag: Geschäft
Most people believe that Marketing and Advertising are the same thing. In truth - they are not!
They sound similar but in reality they are not.
What is known as advertising, is just a part of the whole game, which is marketing. Marketing includes the complete development of a brand, starting from ... Weiterlesen
März 6, 2019TR8iT
No matter how seasoned an entrepreneur, every business startup has its share of surprises. Whether the entire business idea changes radically during the early stages or an unconsidered market segment emerges as the top consumers, expect the unexpected. How a business owner deals with surprises is a major factor that ... Weiterlesen
Februar 8, 2019TR8iT
Pneumatic waste systems, pollution sensors, robots, drones, and self-driving cars…it’s what we expect for the far future. But, these features could be coming to a town near you. In 2050 the world population is estimated to be 9.7 billion, currently, it stands at 7.53 billion.
To tackle this overpopulation crisis, new ... Weiterlesen
Januar 11, 2019Tim Lord
As an executive, you have lots of things to do and even more to achieve. Along with main works, you also have several supporting tasks like online research, filings, necessary purchases, recruitment and bookkeeping. You want to concentrate on more profitable work but these petty tasks are consuming your time, ... Weiterlesen
Januar 8, 2019TR8iT
Running and managing a business is extremely tough at the best of times, even if business is booming and you happen to be doing extremely well.
Believe it or not, but there are businesses out there that are making vast amounts of money every single day, are busier than ever before, ... Weiterlesen
Januar 3, 2019TR8iT
Most of us, when we start a business, are skilled in the basic discipline of that business rather than the business of finance, and like most established disciplines finance had developed its own vocabulary.
But now we need to talk to our funding agencies, and to do that we need to ... Weiterlesen
Dezember 29, 2018TR8iT
You are likely to be plunging headfirst into your business startup because you know no other way. Your brain is bursting to get going. You have no choice. That's the way it is. But if you squeeze your priorities and fit in one other process, your chances of success will ... Weiterlesen
Dezember 21, 2018TR8iT
Unternehmen von Fortune 500-Größe bis zu Start-ups nutzen mobile Anwendungen, um Kunden anzusprechen, ihre Prozesse zu rationalisieren, einen Service bereitzustellen oder zunehmend als Rückgrat des eigenen Unternehmens. Zwar gibt es im Business-Ökosystem derzeit einen starken Schub für mobile first (oder sogar mobile only), es gibt jedoch ein paar Dinge, die ... Weiterlesen
Oktober 21, 2018TR8iT
As a small business owner, you most likely spend quite a large amount of time trying to discern new ways to gain customers. Marketing can be a fun or stressful business. They key is to understand the types of marketing.
Instead of sending your marketing budget in many different directions, you ... Weiterlesen
September 14, 2018TR8iT