Tag: Geschäft



Marketing a small business on a limited budget can be a challenging task. It is time you stop making excuses and get the word out about your business. If you're a small business owner looking for marketing advice, you have come to the right place. Here's what you need to ... Weiterlesen
Juni 19, 2017TR8iT


Digital marketing can be defined as using every possible internet method to gain publicity and reach your consumers. How do you construct and execute a digital marketing plan? To do so efficiently, you must recognise the building blocks that it compresses. If you haphazardly advertise or only put one or ... Weiterlesen
Juni 6, 2017TR8iT


Imagine you are in the process of setting up your own business, the culmination of all that training, experience and investment but are not confident of knowing or being good at the best steps to success. Or, imagine that you are running your dream business but the dream is a bit ... Weiterlesen
Juni 1, 2017TR8iT


The entrepreneurial spirit is often difficult to define let alone examine in detail because of its perception as a highly creative and dynamic entity and it is with this caveat that this article is written. Whilst the entrepreneurial spirit can be applied to a wide range of disciplines and professionals it ... Weiterlesen
Mai 21, 2017TR8iT


Congratulations! You have chosen a really rewarding option into how your business and life will coexist happily ever after." That was a little note to myself when I chose the lifestyle business option, quite a far cry from a traditional start-up that I was running in the entertainment and events ... Weiterlesen
April 25, 2017TR8iT


Dentists rightfully see themselves first and foremost as professionals performing an important public service: promoting positive dental health for the communities in which they serve. What they are not traditionally as good at is marketing themselves effectively. The reasons for this are many: some dentists resist marketing because it somehow ... Weiterlesen
April 24, 2017TR8iT


Whether your company is a start-up or several decades old, the business model is the hub around which all activities revolve. The business model is the blueprint that shows company leaders how to create value and build a money-making enterprise. It is the engine that drives revenue and generates profits. Fail ... Weiterlesen
April 18, 2017TR8iT



Micro Entrepreneurs

Micro entrepreneurs as defined by EU regulations are the owners of small businesses that have fewer than 10 employees and have a turnover of less than 2 million euros. Examples of micro entrepreneurs are owners of bakeries, beauty parlours, child care facilities, repair shops, arts and crafts shops, painting businesses, contracting businesses, ... Weiterlesen
März 28, 2017TR8iT


Apart from having a great product, good sales, good SEO, great marketing, and so on... there is one thing that is vital to the long term growth and success of a startup: good accounting. And yes... you may not be as versed in numbers as your accountant is. But do understand: ... Weiterlesen
März 21, 2017TR8iT
Failure is your friend - TR8 Media Blog


"Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful ... Weiterlesen
März 21, 2017TR8iT